Training Dates for 2025 training season have been updated.
Bushkill Testing Dates for 2025 have been announced. Please visit the test pages Bushkill test pages for details.
Have a Pointing Dog to Train?
Well, you've come to the right place! Welcome to the Bushkill Chapter of the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association (NAVHDA). The chapter is dedicated to promoting, fostering and improving the versatile hunting dog breeds in the area surrounding southeastern Pennsylvania. Underlying this focus is the desire to help the hunter train their pointing dog to work before and after the shot, on land and in water.

Typically we train once a month from March through August. Check out our events calendar to see where and when our next training session will be held.

Fundraising is essential in order for the chapter to provide good equipment and to host NAVHDA tests. Check out our schedule of events for fun trials, fun shoots, and our summer BBQ.

A chapter is only as strong as its membership. In the last couple years the Bushkill Chapter and its members have accomplished quite a bit with hard work and determination.