​​Bushkill Events
Click here for our current training days and their subsequent locations.
All trainings will begin at 7:30am at the designated location. They will last until mid-late afternoon depending on turnout. We will break for lunch.
Please note that dates are subject to change, so please check back often.
For directions to certain training grounds, please visit our directions page.
Training Day Details
The training day registration form must be completed by the Saturday before the scheduled Monthly Training Day if you plan to attend. In addition to being a current member, the Bushkill Chapter charges $7 per dog per monthly training to cover expenses such as permits and insurance. Payment for birds and handlers fees are expected upon registration. If you fail to do so, we will not order your birds and have them at the training day for you.
Training Day Rules:
You must be a paid member with an application, signed release and current NAVHDA National membership to attend training days.
Register for each training day (due the Saturday before event).
You must pay for birds/training fees upon registration via PAYPAL. We no longer accept cash or checks. @bushkillNAVHDA
Everyone must wear a blaze orange hat and vest.
Dispose of all dead birds and trash properly.
Keep your dogs on a leash or in a kennel when not engaged in training activities.
Only approved gunners are permitted to shoot live rounds.
Band all ducks, pheasants, and quail...the chapter typically has bands available for sale.
Follow all PA Game Commission Rules and Regulations
Maintain active membership in the chapter & NAVHDA National and have all release forms signed.