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Register for Training

Dates, Times, and Locations Subject to Change


You must be a paid member with an application, signed release and current NAVHDA National membership to attend training days.  You can find these forms here.


Please bring a CHECK to pay for birds/training day fees or you can send your payment via PayPal to CASH is no longer accepted.​


The training day form must be completed by the Saturday before the scheduled Monthly Training Day if you plan to attend one of our training days.


In addition to being a current member, the Bushkill Chapter charges $7 per dog per monthly training to cover expenses such as permits and insurance. Payment for birds and handlers fees are expected at the beginning of the training day. If you order birds and then do not attend training, you will still be billed for the birds you ordered.


All trainings begin at 7:30 am.  Please plan on arriving 15 minutes early to pay and pick up your bird order.



After submitting this form, you should receive an email confirming your registration.  If you do not, please register again, as it most likely did not go through.


**DUCKS ARE AVAILABLE TO ORDER FOR 7/13 & 8/3 Trainging Days**

The club does not have a duck supplier, so for the training days from June to August, if you would like to do duck work you must supply your own ducks. 


If you know of a supplier for mallard ducks and can pick up an order for the club, please let us know.

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